Sustainability-related disclosures – Spiltan Aktiefond Småland

Product name: Spiltan Aktiefond Småland
ISIN: SE0002566349


This page contains information on environmental and/or social characteristics of financial products and sustainable investments in accordance with article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Disclosure Regulation) and delegated acts to the Disclosure Regulation. This statement was last updated on April 10, 2024. 

The product’s environmental and/or social characteristics 

Spiltan Aktiefond Småland promotes following environmental characteristics: 

    reduction of negative climate impact, and  

    increased use of renewable energy. 

Spiltan Aktiefond Småland promotes following social characteristics: 

    good working conditions, and 

    human rights including equality and diversity. 

Spiltan Aktiefond Småland maintain a minimum share of 20% of the portfolio in sustainable investments. Sustainable investments contribute to the environmental goal of reducing carbon emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Furthermore, Spiltan Fonder use a reference benchmark in its assessment ensuring that a sustainable investment do not cause significant harm to any other sustainable investment objective. Additionally, Spiltan Fonder assess investments according to its policy for good governance practices. 

Investment strategy

Spiltan Aktiefond Småland follows Spiltan Fonder’s responsible investments policy which mandates that Spiltan Aktiefond Småland shall comply with certain sustainability criteria in its management of the fund. Before investment, companies are screened and evaluated against sanctions lists and corruption indices, and to identify other sustainability-related risks associated with the investment. The manager responsible for Spiltan Aktiefond Småland also conducts a special sustainability analysis of the portfolio companies to identify sustainability-related opportunities. Spiltan Fonder’s responsible investment policy follows certain exclusion criteria. Spiltan Fonder actively engage through ongoing dialogue with portfolio companies during ownership to promote the importance of sustainability and impacting progress. 

Monitoring of environmental and/or social characteristics, data, and data limitations 

Spiltan Aktiefond Småland uses external sustainability data providers and complements with data received directly from portfolio companies. Spiltan Fonder checks the data from external data providers against the data gathered from the portfolio companies and use the most restrictive data as its starting point. External data providers are evaluated and selected based on its capabilities to provide decent data quality, quality assurance methodologies, and fund coverage. Spiltan Fonder has engaged data providers, specialists in field of the sustainable finance regulations, in which Spiltan Fonder is obliged to disclose sustainability-related information. 

Spiltan Fonder acknowledge certain limitations in the sustainability data used in the analysis of investments in Spiltan Aktiefond Småland. These data limitations are due to the fact that the legal acts adopted as a result of the European Commission’s European Green Deal came into force on different dates, and Spiltan Aktiefond Småland’s portfolio companies are consequently not obliged to report relevant sustainability data before 2025 at the earliest.

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